
Ellen Saunders

  • Ellen Saunders replied to the topic in the forum Ellen Saunders 7 years, 4 months ago

    It’s going… choppy, I guess.

    On and off. Having the homework and hotseat assignment/opportunities has actually gotten me to dust off some short stories I haven’t thought about in awhile. They’re not bad. LOL. Also, I’ve been texting with a writer friend every workday morning to keep each other accountable. So I’ve at least written something…[Read more]

  • Ellen Saunders replied to the topic in the forum Ellen Saunders 7 years, 4 months ago

    It’s going… choppy, I guess.

    On and off. Having the homework and hotseat assignment/opportunities has actually gotten me to dust off some short stories I haven’t thought about in awhile. They’re not bad. LOL. Also, I’ve been texting with a writer friend every workday morning to keep each other accountable. So I’ve at least written something…[Read more]

  • Ellen Saunders started the topic in the forum 7 years, 4 months ago

    I hope linking to inspirational writing is okay. This story really touched me:
    Catherynne Valente’s
    The Beasts Who Fought For Fairyland Until the Very End and Further Still

  • Ellen Saunders started the topic in the forum 7 years, 4 months ago

    Nest Among Stones

    A young woman, raised as a pet and a curiosity among hunter-warriors, risks her life to give her future children a chance at autonomy and pride.

    Parin is a Torcan, a desert herbivore whose instinctive behaviors are shamed and beaten from her by the caste- and conflict-loving Grys. Her accomplishments of no value except as a…[Read more]

  • Ellen Saunders replied to the topic in the forum Ellen Saunders 7 years, 5 months ago

    That looks like a cool app.
    I am taking a brief break from Habitica, which “gamifies” habits, because I went from tracking a dozen habits and a dozen weekly to-dos to tracking more than 50 habits and 20 weekly to dos and talking with other writers and playing with my avatar …

    … and now I’m going to go back and pare back to essentials and…[Read more]

  • Ellen Saunders replied to the topic in the forum Ellen Saunders 7 years, 5 months ago

    RJ, I also am a connoisseur of “new programs” and “this time I’ll stick with it” resolutions that I fail, from this year’s Habitica to my college “five, 10 and 20-year” plans.

    The best I’ve been able to do is find something I’m already doing that I know I won’t change (like, I feed the cats and have my first cup of coffee first thing in the…[Read more]

  • Ellen Saunders replied to the topic in the forum Ellen Saunders 7 years, 5 months ago

    Journalling might have kept me from chewing holes in myself during the last two weeks.

    I’m glad you captured those moments and conversations. I’m having trouble maintaining perspective, and am humbled by the calm of those who’ve been able to do so.

  • Ellen Saunders replied to the topic in the forum Ellen Saunders 7 years, 5 months ago

    I’ve had that week in an isolated cabin with no internet access. I did get work done but I mostly cooked, did cabin maintenance, and hunted mice. NOT the most productive use of my time from a writing standpoint. LOL.

    Time management might be one of my issues. *wry smile*

    My bugaboo is everything after step one, unfortunately. I have many short…[Read more]

  • Ellen Saunders started the topic in the forum 7 years, 5 months ago

    Grateful for the opportunity to take this class at a challenging time personally, professionally and … in the larger communities. Maybe I should just say challenging time. The class has helped me focus on what I can do, and that helps me keep from getting overwhelmed, and I’m deeply grateful for that.

    Grateful for a roof over my head, the free…[Read more]

  • Ellen Saunders replied to the topic in the forum Ellen Saunders 7 years, 5 months ago

    Thank you!

  • Ellen Saunders replied to the topic in the forum Ellen Saunders 7 years, 5 months ago

    Joy for the survival and overcoming and allies and the strength to stand tall. I’ll try to hang on to that.

    I can cope with Namaste (the god/goddess in me honors the god/goddess in you, is the translation I learned).

    I was doing this work without much guidance and was concerned … hmmm … about going off the deep end, I guess. Terrified I…[Read more]

  • Ellen Saunders started the topic in the forum 7 years, 5 months ago

    I’m on the road for the next few weeks. I will try to keep up with the readings and the forum if I can, but probably won’t be able to watch the broadcasts until Thanksgiving, so I’ll miss two of the class chats.

  • Ellen Saunders started the topic in the forum 7 years, 5 months ago

    What did you find the most interesting thing about Chapter 14?

    For me it was two-fold: 1. Steve’s comments about programming and the Black experience and 2. the Cabinet Hill created in his mind (and how he created it and why), but mostly that concept. And the idea that Hill was willing to discuss that publicly so long ago is pretty amazing.

    I…[Read more]

  • Ellen Saunders started the topic in the forum 7 years, 5 months ago

    Curious what others thought/brought to/took away from Chapter 10.

  • Ellen Saunders replied to the topic in the forum Ellen Saunders 7 years, 5 months ago

    I will be traveling for much of November (I will actually miss two classes, and will be unable to take part in the discussion during that period, but I wanted to take this class so much I signed up anyway…)

    But I’ve done Nano *almost* every year since 2004, and I find it immensely helpful, so I signed up again. I hope to use the last 10 days…[Read more]

  • Ellen Saunders replied to the topic in the forum Ellen Saunders 7 years, 5 months ago

    Good luck–and I’m sure you’ll pull it off!

  • Ellen Saunders replied to the topic in the forum Ellen Saunders 7 years, 5 months ago

    Oh, the age of this book. Gah. Thank you so much for your comments at the end, Mr. Barnes. It’s been a bad couple of days and I needed the anchoring back in 2016. And, well, I’m over 50.

    I encountered the concept of transmutation years ago, when I was an oversexed 30-something coming off a failed relationship. Or perhaps I found it in my 20s and…[Read more]

  • Ellen Saunders started the topic in the forum 7 years, 5 months ago

    Discussion? Thoughts, ideas?

  • Ellen Saunders replied to the topic in the forum Ellen Saunders 7 years, 6 months ago

    I love that story.

  • Ellen Saunders replied to the topic in the forum Ellen Saunders 7 years, 6 months ago

    I’ve forgotten most of the tai chi I knew but years ago I turned the yoga “Salute to the Sun” sequence into a mediation/affirmation/prayer, and since I started this class I’ve been trying to do that every day or at least several times a week. And I’ve been meditating more. It is helping.

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