
ClickBank Affiliate Link Generator

Use this tool to generate ClickBank affiliate links to all or specific product pages.

Description of “Landing Pages”:

    • This generates a ClickBank affiliate link to a page that lists all active products
  2. “The Machine” for Screenwriters
    • This generates a ClickBank affiliate link to a marketing page for “The Machine” for Screenwriters Course
  3. The Moments Method
    • This generates a ClickBank affiliate link to discussion of Art Holcomb’s The Moments Method which includes a marketing pitch for “The Machine” for Screenwriters Course and a link to “The Machine for Screenwriters” landing page.
  4. The Machine for Scrnwrtrs GLAWS
    • This generates a ClickBank affiliate link to a marketing page for “The Machine” for Screenwriters Course at the 15% GLAWS discount
  5. Lifewriting Ten-week Course
    • This generates a ClickBank affiliate link to a marketing page for the Lifewriting Ten-week Course
  6. Lifewriting Premium Subscription
    • This generates a ClickBank affiliate link to a marketing page for the Lifewriting Premium Subscription
  7. Revolutionary Writing
    • This generates a ClickBank affiliate link to a marketing page for the Revolutionary Art: Writing for Social Justice  which is now sold as part of the Lifewriting Premium Subscription
  8. Afrofuturism / The Sunken Place
  9. Ancient Child
  10. Morning MAGIC for Writers
  11. 100k in 25 hours – freebie
    • This is a signup form to recieve a free talk by Steven Barnes and Terry Lee Brussel which ends in a sales pitch for “Your First 100K”. Potential customers, who follow this hoplink, who purchase “Your first 100K” will generate commissions for that product.
  12. Your 1st 100K
  13. The Ultimate Enneagram
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