
Lifewriting ten-week course

                                             CALLING ALL WRITERS

Steven and Tananarive

Steven Barnes and Tananarive Due, award winning and bestselling writers are your guides to the career of your dreams!

$997 US

“Finally! Now You Can…Create the Career of your dreams … even if…You’ve been frozen in “Writer’s Block” for years, or papered your walls with rejection slips!”

These secrets have sold award-winning stories and books, sold scripts, made movies and plays and helped countless writers to turn their dreams into reality…Now, it’s YOUR turn to put them to work!



What you will receive as a student:

Ten weeks of video/audio/PDF instruction.

Live webinar support for all aspects of the program

A full game plan for professional publication (our students have published novels, textbooks, sold films, and story-edited television!)

A web-based support network with live coaches helping you every step of the way.

FUN homework: watch some of the best movies in the world, and learn at mach speed!

And additional support and MP3 downloads dealing with writer’s block, fear, focus, emotional healing, energy, creativity and confidence…EVERYTHING YOU NEED to succeed!






These are the same secrets I’ve used to publish over THREE MILLION WORDS. That my wife, American Book Award winning writer Tananarive Due, used to write best-selling, award winning novels that Hollywood has fallen all over itself to option and develop (paying a LOT of money for the privilege!) We know that these never-before-revealed secrets will work for you!

Here’s what other people have said about our teaching and coaching, and the LIFEWRITING program:


“I cannot think of a more useful tool. Thorough, folksy, immaculately reasoned, eminently listenable, the course fortunately mirror Barnes’ personality: intelligent, dedicated and extraordinarily witty.”
— 1982 PULITZER PRIZE nominee Chris Bunch


“Outstanding. Barnes educates, entertains, and more importantly, motivates… in a no-nonsense cut-to-the-chase method useful for everyone from beginners to working professionals. He’s been there, done that, and he shares it joyfully herein. A bargain at twice the price.”
–New York Times best selling novelist Steve Perry


“Steven Barnes Lifewriting work…helped me learn the balance of body, spirit, and soul that helps me lead a truly wonderful life. I have a successful career as a CIO, I have reached my personal dreams of being a published author, and have a wonderful partner.”
–Brenda Cooper, award-winning author eight novels, including THE SILVER SHIP AND THE SEA and READING THE WIND


“I have read much over the last 4 years, to improve how I lived and how I wrote. But nothing combined the two into such basic understandable holistic symmetry as did your “Lifewriting” workshop. “`When the student is ready the master appears.’ “Your advice is a honored gift” My goal and resolve has been galvanized by `Lifewriting.’ Thank you for being my teacher!”
–Corey Locke


Steven Barnes has been a uniquely powerful practitioner at Moonview Sanctuary in enabling our clients to balance their physical and emotional arenas along a spiritual pathway to abiding self love and unifying purpose.”
— Gerald M. Levin, 
Former CEO, Time/Warner
Presiding Director, Moonview Treatment and Optimal Performance Center


“I’ve learned more from Steve Barnes, in the more than twenty years I’ve known him, than from any other man besides my own father. The clarity of his thinking and teaching is unparalleled in my experience, his honesty is unusual, and what he teaches, he lives. This is a man who walks the walk. I’ve never met, and doubt I ever will meet, another teacher whose judgment makes me rethink my own on such a regular basis.”
–Dan Moran author, “The Long Run”


“From the moment Steven Barnes opened his mouth, his depth and breadth of human understanding and behavior, especially in the context of storytelling which is timeless, inspired me to BE more, GIVE more and live my life on purpose. Both my personal and professional relationships have surged to heights that would give most people a nosebleed! He’s given me tools and understanding that have taken me from a struggling filmmaker to become a better storyteller, father, internet marketer, film producer, and business building coach that can command five to six figures upfront. He’s THAT good! Anything Steven has to say, I’m there to listen, learn, soak it up like a sponge, then act accordingly to greater success. Thanks, Steven!”
Andy Duncan
Film Producer and Internet Marketing expert


“Steve Barnes is superbly qualified, with a well-tested program for achieving complete integration of mind, body, and spirit. 

I’ve heard Steve speak at writer’s conferences about the craft of writing and how writers can develop inner depth by exploring their personal hero’s journey. I’ve also participated in martial arts classes he’s taught. I still benefit from his program of daily physical movements and breath work practices. Taken all together, I’m impressed with Steve’s advanced level of mastery in so many areas and how he is an impressive role model for everything he teaches.”
— Al Siebert, PhD., Director of The Resiliency Center 
author of The Survivor Personality, and The Resiliency Advantage,
featured on “Oprah”


And here’s one about our FOUR week class (imagine what we can do in TEN!):

“Yesterday, I completed my month long Screenwriting workshop with Tananarive Due and Steven Barnes. It was the most extensive, thoughtful, resourceful, and inspiring workshop I’ve ever attended. Though I have a degree in English and have begun an MFA in Creative Writing, I have to say that I’ve never taken a creative writing class that was so rich and practical. This class made me re-think the principles of writing. It made me look at writing as a science in ways I hadn’t previously. It was worth every moment. I encourage writers to be on the look out for their screenwriting workshops. The lessons learned were invaluable.”
— B. Sharise Moore


Who Else Wants To be a writer?

Here’s exactly what you’re getting right now in the LIFEWRITING TEN WEEK PROGRAM:

  • over Ten Hours of professionally video’d live lectures with accompanying PDFs, covering EVERY major aspect of the writer’s life, covered from both “male” and “female” perspectives—planning, researching, writing, finishing, marketing, making the first sale, getting an agent, dealing with FEAR and procrastination, accessing creativity…EVERYTHING!
  • The world’s most powerful STRUCTURE technique for any fiction project – this works like crazy!
  • The sneaky (but ethical) way to GET AN AGENT!
  • The reason why you should never write one certain type of project before FIRST writing this other, simpler one!
  • The strange truth about how willingness to write BADLY directly affects your ability to release your inner GENIUS.
  • How the great writers use the power of RITUAL to keep themselves on track through depression, ennui, fear, and turmoil.
  • My proven 17-step program to understand EVERYTHING you need to know about writing…and being a writer! It’s as simple as 123!
  • And I’ll even show you how to get published in less than two years, starting from scratch. Not only is it possible, it’s easier to do it this way!
  • The counterintuitive secrets television and film writers know, but never tell you about breaking into the business.
  • And that is only the beginning. After you have spent a few minutes a week studying the LIFEWRITING TEN WEEK, and doing your “homework” (you’ve never had more fun doing “homework” in your life!) what once appeared dark and mysterious will suddenly become clear and easy!
  • Right about now, if I were you, there would be one question on my mind…

How Much Does It Cost?

You’re smart. You’ve been told that you need an MFA costing an average of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS to be a writer.

You’ve been lied to.   If you are a worker, if you are self-directed, if you are willing to learn and take direction, you can get MORE value for 2% of that price.

That’s right…not fifty thousand dollars.  Not Twenty thousand.  Not ten.   Not even two.

You get all of this experience, wisdom, and value for ONLY 997.00!!

Use it.  Work through all of it.  Take a FULL YEAR to actually dig through this gold-mine of opportunity, and if you don’t agree you received WAY more value than you expected, just let us know, and you’ll get 100% of your money back, guaranteed!  You have NOTHING to lose, and absolutely EVERYTHING to gain!



Why is this class costing so little? The reason why it’s this inexpensive is simple: We want to make this product cost less than the average writer earns from selling a couple of stories. And selling a book or television episode or movie? Fuggetaboutit!

$997 US

100%, Money Back, Satisfaction Guarantee!

Don’t even make up your mind right now. Just go ahead and order The Lifewriting 10-Week Program today, and try it out. Experience every week. Take all the time you need to implement it.   Download the extras, and begin the journey of a lifetime. If, WITHIN THE FIRST FULL YEAR, for any reason, you are not 100% delighted with The Lifewriting 10-Week Program… – if you don’t understand every step of the process you need to fulfill your dreams…if you don’t have the best time you’ve ever had learning what you’ve always wanted to know…and if you don’t agree that you received FAR more value than you expected (and YES, there are “secret” bonuses!) … then simply drop us an email for a rapid, no hassle, no questions asked 100% refund.  I think you’ll agree, that’s pretty solid offer…

It Is Decision Time

You’re standing at the crossroads. Of the two roads before you, the one on the left is the road you’ve been traveling a lot… it’s rough, uphill, rocky, and full of pain and toil.

On the right, the road less traveled. It’s smooth, paved, and proven to be the easiest way to supercharge your writing career.

Choose the right road. Let’s walk that road together.

$997 US

Steven Barnes and Tananarive Due

P.S. One year from today, you will certainly “arrive”. The real question is… Where? If you wanted to be somewhere different than where you are now, you’ll have to do something different than what you’re currently doing. Take the first step toward a different future.

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