
Tom Barclay

  • Tom Barclay replied to the topic in the forum Tom Barclay 7 years, 6 months ago

    Two – the two short ‘Player’ stories, ‘Fantasia’ and ‘Kirchgessner’. I’ve been rethinking the two novels that started accreting over the last several years, wanting to apply the lessons learned and relearned here.
    Honestly, I’m not working on this very hard: having great difficulties finding a new job after quite some time pounding the pavement.

  • Tom Barclay replied to the topic in the forum Tom Barclay 7 years, 6 months ago

    I was an early reader. I admired the storytelling abilities of one of my father’s friends, and that (plus a lot of time at our town’s public library) gave me the idea I could be a storyteller, too.
    But I quickly noticed no one much wanted to listen to me the way I listened to Herb.
    That left . . . print.
    I liked the Colby series on military…[Read more]

  • Tom Barclay replied to the topic in the forum Tom Barclay 7 years, 7 months ago

    I suppose that’s true – old wine, new bottles, or the 1964 Falcon wrapped in new sheetmetal and renamed ‘Mustang.’ Fresh and exciting to people who weren’t there in theatres for The Big Screen Experience in 1977.

  • Tom Barclay replied to the topic in the forum Tom Barclay 7 years, 7 months ago

    Don’t know if we ever talked about this – I started out as a kid writer, but detoured (ahh, pudness) into theatre. Eventually I stopped performing to be a producer of concerts, events and opera. In the middle, I was also worked in a SAG/AFTRA talent agency.

    All of which goes to say I stand by my first comments ‘SW:TFA’, that the producers wanted…[Read more]

  • Tom Barclay replied to the topic in the forum Tom Barclay 7 years, 7 months ago

    As Steve has remarked in several places, after you’ve gotten accustomed to THJ, no one wants to go the movies with you anymore (especially if you predict upcoming plot points and character development aloud).
    In some cases, this solitude is enjoyable.
    As far as ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ goes, I found it visually attractive but predictable…[Read more]

  • Tom Barclay replied to the topic in the forum Tom Barclay 7 years, 7 months ago

    Certainly ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ follows the form.

    The Australian tv series ‘Glitch’ seems to follow it for each character.

  • Tom Barclay replied to the topic in the forum Tom Barclay 7 years, 7 months ago

    Good idea – that will streamline the process a whole lot.

  • Tom Barclay started the topic in the forum 7 years, 7 months ago

    And of course I’d appreciate the return of the favor.

    My strengths as a reader? Better than average (by a lot) at grammar, spelling, syntax and diction. The nuns got me to where I was good at diagramming sentences, so structure problems in a sentence jump out at me.

    My day job, most recently, is tech writing, so I see written logic and…[Read more]

  • Tom Barclay started the topic in the forum 7 years, 7 months ago

    In the early 19th Century, Player is shuttled across the Shetlands by boat, headed for Fair Isle. His boatman lands them on Foula due to bad weather, where Player finds he can be of service to the island’s small group of inhabitants in an unexpected setting.

    Approximately 1,400 words. A Player story with no specific place in the sequence.

  • Tom Barclay started the topic in the forum 7 years, 7 months ago

    Poor Player! Thrown from time to time and place to place, he finds himself for once in familiar surroundings. At a local cafe, he even encounters an old colleague from a previous Engagement – only find himself facing half a lifetime’s resentments, and staring down two large-caliber derringer barrels.

    Approximately 1,800 words. A Player story with…[Read more]

  • Tom Barclay started the topic in the forum 7 years, 7 months ago

    A slave to an extra-dimensional master, bassist Player is thrown from time to time and place to place to experience human performing arts (which The Employer will later copy from his mind and, somehow, sell).
    But after an Engagement which ends in murder and vengeance, Player . . . just might be free. Where should he go? What should he do? What is…[Read more]

  • Tom Barclay started the topic in the forum 7 years, 7 months ago

    Death has an uninvited visitor in his vast underworld realm: a divinely-gifted singer, Orfea, has come to demand her beloved Yuri be returned to Life.
    It’s against company policy, of course. But Orfea has an advocate who is hard to ignore.

    Influenced by Roger Zelazny, based on the Greek myth of Orfeo and Euridice. 2,000 words.

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