
Ellen Saunders

  • @mulllet –if you’ve looked into NLP, you may have questions about how you might apply it to your writing. THAT is a fascinating subject it would be fun to go into!

  • @mulllet Tibbs was definitely going further than Gillespie–but you have to grasp that he had been doing that his entire life. He represents black America in that sense. Gillespie represents Southerners–a good man who has been brainwashed by a very bad system. It is HARD to change. Most cannot. I give him credit for the amount of change he…[Read more]

  • @mulllet –Hi! Neuro Linguistic Programming is a discipline that examines communication within and between human beings. It has some very powerful tools, and some of them are probably more efficient and effective than Hill’s emotionalized repetition approach. Lonnie Athens is a criminologist who wrote a book called “Why They Kill” in which he…[Read more]

  • @mulllet that “1 in 3” is “contact” with the justice system: arrest, trial, conviction, incarceration, over a lifetime. While still bad, its not as bad as “1 in three currently in prison”

    • I mischaracterized that statistic, thank you. What you said is what I meant to say. It’s painfully mind-boggling, and I’m having trouble wrapping my head around what that does to a community. No. Having trouble wrapping my heart around what that does to a community.

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